Possible attacks by using Msvenom- Metasploit Framework
Once the file developed using Msvenom is successfully executed into the victim's computer then the following attacks can be perfomed by the attacker- in this case Kali Linux 2020.
At first, we need to setup the Msvenom to listening device in order to establish connection between the victim's computer (Windows 7) and then begin to perfom different kinds of attack which can ranges from minor to fatal damage to the victim.
Open the Metasploit framework and then execute the following command in the Msvenom labelled as msf5.
Once this is command is executed successfully in the Metasploit framework then you have established a successful connection between your device with victim. Meterpreter is an advanced, dynamically extensible payload that uses in-memory DLL injection stagers and is extended over the network at runtime. It communicates over the stager socket and provides a comprehensive client-side Ruby API. It features command history, tab completion, channels, and more.
We can execute various commands and its different results based on the command which the attacker has executed in the meterpreter. Here, are some of the commands to access the useful information of the victim's devices.
netstat- This command displays the information about all the network information of the victim's pc.
route- This command displays the routing information of the victim's pc.
sysinfo- This command displays the information about the victim's system.
download /windows/System32/config- This command downlaods SAM file of the victim's computer.
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